11 Best Zombie and Horror movies on Netflix | Netflix best horror movies .

 Zombies, at least as we know them today, technically

Today, Netflix has a fantastic catalog of zombie movies to satisfy your undying hunger for entertainment.These are the 11 best.

1. The Ravenous

 The Ravenous is a zombie thriller set in France and Canada with an intriguing twist: the zombies react to sound. To survive, survivors must keep as quiet as possible, creating a terrifyingly tense atmosphere.

2. Train to Busan

This smash hit from South Korea During its run, Train to Busan attracted over 10 million spectators, setting a new record. A woman boards a train just as it is leaving, nursing a bite wound on her leg. She quickly transforms into a zombie, trapping hundreds of passengers on the speeding train just as news of a worldwide outbreak spreads. So sit back and enjoy one of the best zombie films of the last decade.

3. Rise of the Zombie

Rise of the Zombie is a low-budget zombie thriller that turns into a darkly enjoyable experience. A gifted wildlife photographer has a better eye for photography than for romance, and a chance encounter sets in motion a new, bloody taste. Will he save his dying humanity, or will he leave a bloody trail in his wake?

4. Here Alone

Here Alone is a depressing film about a woman's survival in the zombie apocalypse. Ann spends her days foraging through the forest and farms after mankind's demise, haunted by flashbacks of the family she lost. When she comes across a father and daughter, she is forced to consider whether her safety is worth the lives of others. If you enjoyed the video game The Last of Us, you'll want to keep up with this series.

5. Stitches

In most zombie stories, an outbreak of brainless shamblers is the focus, but the dead can also rise one by one for their own vengeance. Stitches tells the story of a scumbag clown who died in a freak accident on the job, only to return from the dead seeking vengeance. Stitches stands out with shockingly macabre splatter set pieces, with a comedic tone reminiscent of late-era Nightmare on Elm Street films.

6. Ladronas de Almas

During the Mexican War for Independence, Ladronas de Almas (or Soul Thieves) follows a group of bandits. In search of a rumored treasure, they raid a ranch and kidnap the residents. The treasure, it turns out, is real... but it's also guarded by the undead's gnashing teeth. The production values may be on the low side, but the tension and action are top notch.

7. Cargo

Cargo earns critical and fan acclaim by exploring new perspectives on the undead, led by Martin Freeman. After being infected by a zombie, a father in the vast Australian outback must find someone to look after his baby daughter. Cargo showcases a part of the world that zombie films rarely visit by incorporating elements of Aboriginal culture. The plot may be familiar, but the setting will linger in your mind.

8. KL Zombi

KL Zombi is a Malaysian horror comedy that became a breakout hit thanks to its ridiculous plot and over-the-top energy. When a zombie outbreak strikes Kuala Lumpur, a hockey-playing pizza boy becomes a hero. KL Zombi is a fun movie with a lot of laughs and clever action scenes, low-budget surprise.

9. Bunks

Children enjoy horror as well, but the majority of the films on this list are completely inappropriate for them. Bunks, on the other hand, are an exception. It's a spooky, family-friendly zombie film that both kids and adults will enjoy. Two brothers con their way into positions as camp counselors, only to set off a zombie apocalypse the moment they arrive. The TV-PG rating should give you a hint that there won't be many deaths, but there are scares for all ages.

10. The ReZort

The world does not end just because a zombie outbreak occurs. The ReZort is a zombie-hunting safari park where humans can hunt the undead. Everyone is having a good time, armed with guns and arrogance... until you remember it's a horror film, and something goes horribly wrong.

11. Life After Beth

Zach and Beth's story is a classic love story: boy meets girl, girl meets snake, snake bites girl, and girl dies. Zach assumed Beth was dead until he sees her walking past a window in her parents' house. His love has resurrected, and the world itself may be in jeopardy. Aubrey Plaza, Paul Reiser, Anna Kendrick, Molly Shannon, and John C. Reilly star in Life After Beth, a hilarious zombie comedy.

That’s it!
You have our picks for the best zombie flicks on Netflix right now, but if there’s a horror film, show, or zombie apocalypse you’re streaming, be sure to share it in the comments.

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