How to social media make you millionire | Best tips for social media user

The Effect of social media on millionire


In today's time , everyone has a mobile .This cannot happen , if  there is no social media in mobile . Social media is a huge power that's helps people grow their business . With the help of social media , people were able to reach their products to more people . There are many social media platform such as Facebook , Instagram , WhatsApp , etc on which can start their bussiness and also grow their business .

Social media make you millioniare


A social media millionaire in two ways one way of having more than a million of having a lot of followers and the other way financially of making a lot of money with social media and specifically instagram because that's what the social media game is all about instagram and just a quick disclaimer . 

It's not easy ,  when i talk about social media millionaire it can take you three years can take you four years to make your first millionaire revenue for some it might take only six months for us it took one year to get to a level . Where we can say we built a business on instagram that makes a million dollars in sales in revenue every single year . 

Always remember the the revenue profit margin is pretty high on instagram because the most profits the most expenses you will mostly have is affiliates or payments processing like stripe and paypal so in the end you take home at least 80 to 95 percent of the profits of the revenue which is a lot a lot of money so let's get into it the first step and the first thing we have to talk about before we come to the first step is what is a million dollar social media business a million dollar social media business . 

I did the calculation it means that you make for sure one million dollars revenue per year and of this one million dollars revenue . You take home at least 80 to 95 percent of the money one million dollars revenue per year means 83 thousand dollars every single month in revenue and eighty three thousand dollars per month in revenue means around two thousand seven hundred dollars revenue every single day might sound like a lot of money right . Now just imagine having like us more than 10 employees right now and having an agency . 

A social media training business that's working every single day 24 * 7 then you can really imagine how the money comes rolling in but for those of you that cannot imagine . It we want to get to the first step right now the first step is and they say this over and over and over again finding your gold mine niche because without a gold mine edge without having a good market to target you can do anything . You can have the best product but , if nobody wants to buy the product the product is worthless step number one having a goldmine niche . 

Now the second step , this is going to be a bit more complicated because this is something that we call it i call the approach the quantity quality audience approach and the psychology the thinking behind this approach is that people are more likely to follow someone or buy something from someone that already has a lot of followers why because they are perceived as an expert as an authority in their specific market .  So the approach basically is that you get some followers really really cheap with cheap shout outs cheap giveaways cheap facebook ads getting followers that are engaging with your content . 

But are never going to buy something from you just to get some social proof that's how that's how we are doing it you know we get some cheap followers some cheap shout outs you get some followers into the page get some traffic . These few followers that give you the social proof and give you this perception of being an expert and being an authority in the niche will help you grow with the actual people you want to buy your products so pretty easy abroad means first quantity audience just getting a lot of people until 10000 followers . 

Then from there building a quality audience and i tell you right now a quality audience is way easier to build with organic growth and the easiest organic growth to get is once you hit ten thousand followers because once you're ten thousand followers not buying followers we are not talking about buying fake followers , real followers . But low quality followers then the instagram algorithm starts to get you real into the algorithm push you in front of more people push you in front of the audience . 

You want to get in front too and it will be way easier for you to grow organically and with that being said we get straight to the third step .  The third step is the export positioning if you are not perceived as an expert you can forget everything you can have a million followers let me just give you an example an instagram model an instagram model that tries to sell products on how to grow on instagram most likely it's not going to work .

People are not following her because she's so smart and she's an
expert in a niche people are following her because of her face of her body of her beauty . She is not perceived as an expert and if you are not perceived as an expert in your niche you can have a thousand two thousand two hundred thousand followers nobody's going to buy from you so how can you position yourself as an expert give daily tips upload something on instagram every day .

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