If we talk about 10k Subscribers, those were completed in just 18 Days. So, how could you grow so fast on YouTube. What were the tips, tricks, methods that you used and how you can complete your 10k subscribers by applying them.
And that is exactly what I am going to talk about today, HOW I GOT 10k SUBSCRIBERS IN 18 DAYS. So, I have divided whatever tips, tricks and methods used in mainly 3 headings and each of those heading will be having REAL PRACTICAL tips.
The thing is everyone talks about making your content better. But how do we do it?
So, I'll be talking exactly about how to improve your content with proper proofs and examples that we do have to improve our content. But I'll answer how to do it? It's simple, you need a High CTR for More Views and for High CTR you need Good Titles and Thumbnails.
But you surely must have heard the same thing a thousand time. The problem is how do we do it?
So, I have made this article about 3 rules for making a better thumbnail already and I'll surely keep making more of those.
Again, Understand the Logics Make your Own Strategy
The Viral Thumbnail Formula
So, I told you 3 rules in this article for making the best thumbnails for YouTube videos. But what was the reasoning behind those rules?
Simple, it should be Simple, Clear Catchy. A simple red background combined with a simple white text. But if I was to choose this thumbnail for my video, people would take a lot of time understanding it because it is not legible.
And as I told you earlier, what people have in supply are videos, NOT TIME. So, make the thumbnail Simple. Again, I highlighted the more catchy words with green text, so that the attention goes right there. Hence I got a High CTR.
So, point no 1 is very simple. You made my thumbnails as simple as they can be so that people can grasp it in an instant. The thumbnail must convey to them what is in the video and also provide for its proof so that the video looks authentic. To the point Simple, Clear Catchy Thumbnails.
Thumbnail-Title Combination
You made a Great Thumbnail and a Great Title. Would you Go Viral? NO, but why?
Because a good thumbnail and a good title are nothing until they work together. The thumbnail title should convey some kind of a story or tell what the value looks like in the video. Otherwise, people won't click. Take this eg. Here the title is How to Grow your Dead Channel?
While the thumbnail clearly illustrates how views were down before, but then the dead channel grow. Title and Thumbnail aren't separate here, rather they are telling a story together.
One more e.g. - Take any vlogging channel and you would find that they try to convey a good story through each and every thumbnail and title of theirs and this makes you wonder what the story is going to be about and hence you click the video.
For e.g. take one video of @FlyingBeast. The FlyingBeast title says in one video, “I never felt so much pain”. And the thumbnail actually shows the pain he felt and this makes for a great story. You would want to know what happened to flying beast which made him suffer this much pain. Hence, it generates curiosity. So, the thumbnail should either tell a story like flying beast.
Now, let's focus on these 2 things only. Now, before I tell you about biggest secret in part 3, let's talk about something without which you can never grow, Seriously!
Obviously, till now you must have guessed what I will be talking about. It's Content, but people tell you to Improve Content. But the thing is, HOW do we do it? Hence, I'll tell you how I did it? Learn from there and apply to get more subscriber in 2021
Introduction of the Video
Now, let's analyze what you did in your videos to get people attention. Again, the same thing you did in thumbnails Short, Crisp, To the Point Giving Proofs.
I didn't talk about dogs or cats at the starting of the video. I was to the point. I told you WHAT will be there in the video, HOW it is going to be there.
Hence it gave you a reason to read the article till the end.Ok, so if you are smart, you must have noticed another thing. A lot of times, some YouTuber speak the topic of those video upfront. But why?
For e.g., read this YouTube video title, How to Get your First 100 Subscribers in only 2 Days?
It's simple, you read the title and inferred that I will be talking about getting your first 100 subscribers. Now, what if I start talking about say dogs, or cats or my dream about jalebi. People would think that the video is A CLICKBAIT.
People would think the video doesn't justify the title and thumbnail. Hence, they would click off harming my watch time in a very bad manner. Growth would be stopped. So, in a way, at the starting of the video, you confirm the topic of the video to make people watch the whole video.
Now, before I talk about point no 2, there are other numerous reasons why many YouTuber speak the topic upfront .
Now, let's talk about Point No 2, Content. In content, you kept in my mind only one thing. EVERY LINE NEEDS TO BE IN FOCUS. If your video is 10 Minutes Long, the audience has full 10 minutes to leave the video at any moment.
What is your aim? To not let that moment come ever. You make very focused while writing the script to make sure it is engaging, important, and good enough to hook people's attention. And this is how you get a high watch time by grabbing your attention at every moment of the video.Now, point no 3 is very simple.
Whatever strategies, tips or tricks I talk about. They are not just fluff copied from some other video. Rather, 99% of the things I talk about are from my personal experience on YouTube.
It's quite possible I may have heard or watched some of them somewhere, but rest assured I apply all of them practically, research on them.
I read what YouTube itself says about that rule/thing.
I study the biggies, what they are doing to be at the top. What are the common patterns? And then finally I arrive at the information I do.
There are a lot of ideas and research that goes behind these videos. Hence, the content does have a lot of value. So people actually watch it.
What happened was, because the videos were good, a little hype started going around in a little corner of YouTube. People were like, there is something unique, there is something new.
Hence, now I'll tell you about 2 main secrets of growth on YouTube. We always talk about how important CTR is, how important watch time but there are 2 very important things that we always ignore.
But literally, no one is going to talk about it. So first, let's talk about the first thing, then I'll tell you main secret for fast growth on YouTube.
The Secret Number 1 - END-SCREEN VIEWS
Hence, connecting them to one another very well. This made me get more end screen views and you watched more of my videos. 2-3 videos in a go. Now, even if just a few percent of people do it. YouTube senses it as a great signal, that the video is good. That people are loving it. So, this was my secret number 1.
Secret Number 2 - Viewer to Subscriber Conversion
Of all the viral and semi-viral videos , there is one striking similarity among them. A lot of the new viewers on those videos subscribed to channel. The New Viewers to New Subscribers Ratio was Quite High.
On the contrary, you were the one to say that subscribers don't matter much today.Yes, I do agree. But the reasoning is different here. If someone likes your video, What are the most he can do to let YouTube know he Loved Your Video?
For sure, he will like, comment, and stuff. But, what more could he do than subscribing and turning on the notification bell? They are very important.
Hence, YouTube will know your video is fantastic and it will promote you more. BUT whatever I told you would work only after you have some initial subscribers.
So now, you have 2 options. Either use Google AdWords (I'll make a video on it soon too) .
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